Friday, November 14, 2008

Cool Tools Episode 23 Screencast: 30 Boxes

In this screencast I demonstrate how to add an event in 30 Boxes, making use of the social features of this Web 2.0 tool by inviting buddies to your event.

I also show how 30 Boxes interacts with Facebook and Twitter.


Aloha Record said...

Awesome work Israel! I loved the effects and I may have to try a few out myself. I am extremely impressed that you were able to Tweet the status of your screencast...during the screencast itself!! Fabulous.

Jeffra Diane said...

Yes, the effects are great. Do you know if 30 Boxes syncs to iCal?

JenBerube said...

Great screencast and good tool to introduce that would be beneficial to any library. Thanks Israel.

israelcsus said...


Yes, I believe you can import to 30 Boxes from iCal.

David Gross said...

Wow, great screencast....very clear demo and great use of tools at the end! Nice job.

Jeffra Diane said...

Thanks, Israel! I'll have to check it out.

Nancy Lewis said...

Congratulations on an excellent presentation. You certainly have mastered the video application. Demonstrating how 30Boxes interfaces with Facebook and Twitter was very useful information. I believe we should have a Cool Tools award for best video and you have my vote!

Unknown said...

Thanks for teaching us about this tool, and your presentation is very professional looking, especially the transitions at the end. I'm thinking how we can use this at my library to keep staff informed of events and meeting room use. Was wondering if you prefer this to Google Calendar.