I'll show you here some of the basic features of
Dimdim, a free web conferencing tool. I'll demonstrate how to use the audio and chat functions, show pdfs and slides, use the whiteboard, share your desktop, give various permissions to your participants, and invite others to your meeting. Dimdim has recently added a recording/archiving function and continues to add features in response to user requests. This is the free version which accommodates up to 20 attendees and is cross-platform for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
Great screencast. A lot information in about three minutes, clear and concise. Awesome job!
I wonder if one can save sessions, like in Elluminate?
Very well made video.
Great presentation, Kathy. I liked your pace and you covered many different functions in a short time. It really gave me a good feel for what Dimdim can do!
This was excellent, Kathy. I had no idea it existed and I look forward to being able to use it. Super cool.
Very informative. A good tool to know about. Thought you might like this post on Read Write Web: Dimdim Leaves Beta, Adds Features, Releases Source Code http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/dimdim_leaves_beta_adds_features_releases_source_code.php
To answer Israel's question ... Yes, sessions can be recorded and archived. You can also get an embed code so you can post it in your blog. Also, thanks to Fern for the update on Dimdim. 5 simultaneous speakers. I think Ellum accommodates up to 6. Things happen so fast in the web world!
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