Monday, November 24, 2008

Cool Tools Episode 29 Screencast: Delicious

This screencast demonstrates a few basic things you can do with Delicious, including adding the Delicious add-on or plug-in to your browser, bookmarking a page using the embedded browser buttons, describing an item using tags, and the basics of a bookmarks entry. This is just a brief introduction to the many things one can do using Delicious.


Scott McCord said...


Very good work. Thanks for the extension information. Social tagging is best for those who understand browser add-ons. I'm glad you focused on that.

David Gross said...

Great screencast, Jill. Thanks for sharing this very useful tool.

JenBerube said...

Great, clear screencast. Very informative.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the intro to delicious. I liked how you called attention to the types of tags to add. This is my bookmarking tool of choice for that reason and because it's very easy to use.