Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cool Tools Episode 22 Screencast: LibraryThing

LibraryThing is a social website revolving around books. It allows users to create online catalogs of their personal libraries, tagging and rating their books and making them available for others to view and to match with their own books, in order to find people with common interests and to discover new books to read. It also lets users create book groups, add information about local bookstores, libraries and events, and get recommendations. LibraryThing also provides a number of tools that libraries can use to connect online catalogs to the LibraryThing database, allowing libraries to add a range of community-driven functions.

Click here to view the screencast.


Aloha Record said...

Hi Brian,
I enjoyed this screencast - I have a LibraryThing account, but I don't really use it. Now I think I'll get in there and try out some of those features you mentioned. Good job - your voice was clear and your actions were easy to follow. I laughed a bit to myself at your concluding comment that we "might be able to tell" that you enjoyed using this tool. Funny stuff!

Jeffra Diane said...

Brian, did you use Jing to record this screencast?

David Gross said...

Hey, Brian, nice use of screencast to focus on a few features and show how they work.

Nancy Lewis said...


Excellent presentation. You have a great speaking voice. You clearly informed the viewer on the basics of LibraryThing.

Unknown said...

I liked how you emphasized the social aspect of this tool and it's user-centeredness. I remember a couple years back hearing Stephen Abrams asking us librarians why we weren't doing something like this for our patrons. It's kind of ironic that now LT is bringing it back to libraries with it's tagging function.