Monday, April 27, 2009

Cool Tools Episode 54 Screencast: Rollyo

This screencast demonstrates how easy it is to use Rollyo to create a custom search engine, access your dashboard to search other users’ search engines, customize these search engines to make them your own, and finally learn how to create a searchroll box to add your search engine to your website or blog. To start rolling your own search engine today, visit


Yoly2.0 said...

Very cool. I had never heard of a custom search engine before. I could see creating one of these for a research project where the students need to find information quickly from a large number of web resources. Thanks for adding another useful tool.

Librarian Kim said...

I have heard of Rollyo but never tried it. Am going to set up an account right away. Your screencast was very helpful at demystifying custom search engines. Thanks! --Kim

Janine Weston said...

Seems like a wonderful way to add searchability to specific reliable resources--a great tool for an instructional librarian--thanks!

Linda Crotty said...

Great demo of this tool. I can see the usefulness for teachers and subject librarians, as well as individuals. Thanks for sharing Rollyo.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this tool. This looks more portable and easy to use than Google CSE.