Last.FM is a social music service that tracks what you listen to, learns what you like, connects you to other users, and recommends songs from a vast array of "scrobbled" music. This screencast is an overview of the Last.FM profile page, where the user can see information about all of the music that Last.FM has tracked for an individual. Last.FM is a great way to share your music while being exposed to a world of new music, all based on your own musical taste.
This is fantastic! I'm going to create an account today! Because of your screencast, I feel confident to tackle yet another Web 2.0 application.
Great job! I've always wanted to learn more about Last.FM, and I will definitely get an account once the semester is over. I have a feeling I'm going to to get sucked into it and don't want my school work to suffer ;)
Thanks for sharing! It looks like a great tool.
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