Friday, April 24, 2009

Cool Tools Episode 53 Screencast: Brainify

Brainify is a social bookmarking tool intended for students and faculty at colleges and universities. Brainify users bookmark web sites relevant to college courses and academic subject areas and (ideally) share those bookmarks by forming and joining course-specific or subject-specific groups. Bookmarks on Brainify are not only tagged -- they are also categorized within a browsable taxonomy of academic subject areas. In this screencast I demonstrate some of the features of Brainify.

View the Screencast (3:04)


Librarian Kim said...

You sure are able to fit a lot into 3 minutes! You change screens really fast so there's no down time for the audience. Well done! -Kim

Janine Weston said...

This is great! Brainify will definitely give other social bookmarking tools some competition!

Unknown said...

Great Video. Good intro to Brainify, thanks! You should put this on You Tube.

Lynne921 said...

Great job with your screencast! I had not heard of this bookmarking tool so I'll have to check it out. Thanks for such a great introductory lesson on Brainify.

Anonymous said...

Hi Randall,

Branify looks as easy to use as delicious. Thanks for sharing this tool.

Unknown said...

Thanks, all, for the positive feedback! --Randall